Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Checking in

Hi lovers

I am here but not back. I just wanted to check in so y'all know what's going on in my world.

If you follow me on Instagram (amberinteriors), you would have seen that we did not make it to the UK in time to see Nan one last time. She passed away on the Monday before we left 

It's so SO sad but we are happy to be here with the Ducks fam celebrating Nan's life.

We had a stroke of luck (in my book at least) and got to see the snow! 

G had the best time and has been such a good girl despite the long travel and major jet lag.

I am so thankful she has been awesome...I may be overcompensating and allowing her way to much chocolate, can you blame me?

Here are some things you all should know about...if you don't know already.

I created a little gift guide for To & From Magazine.
 Valentines is right around the corner and seriously this kinda gift giving made easy is right up my alley!

roller skates...COME ON!


I jumped on the #VineApp bandwagon and got myself a little profile

Follow along for little videos such as this!

also, there are only a few days left of Free Shipping on all items from the Shoppe

Ends on Feb1st so don't miss out

I will be back soon,
 don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Vine (amberinteriors)

love you mean it

Monday, January 21, 2013

2013 blows so far..

I am gonna get wordy and emotional so feel free to ignore me if you cant handle it..

Sometimes life gives you lemons and you are supposed to make lemonade...but sometimes life gives you lemons and you wanna go to your room and cry for days on end....and kick a hole in the wall just because.

Right now, I wanna do the latter and crawl in that hole 

This year, despite all the positive thoughts and premonitions I had, we have had nothing but shitty news after shitty news.

We are only 20 days into this year and I wanna start over.. 

I don't need to go into great details, but, I will summarize it for you... Bad news seems to be the only news we have been getting and if frankly, if I get anymore I may crack.

Firstly, we have not been blessed with the greatest health so far this year. We have all been sick and struggling to get on our feet again. The flu was nasty, but the downtime was worse...I missed meetings, had to cancel numerous work stuffs and had to keep G out of school.

Then we had some serious changes happen with the Ducks career and have since, everyday been trying to move upwards and onwards. This level of constant "trying to be positive" can be draining in it of itself.

Everything was on the up and up with work stuff until last week when I was bamboozled and ripped off by a painting crew. Nearly cost me my job and did in fact cost me thousands of dollars. It was such a bummer that the thought alone brings me to tears daily. 

and now, as if all this was not enough the Duck, G and I are off to the UK tomorrow to go visit and likely say goodbye to the Ducks beloved Nan. We are not emotionally prepared for what we may see and go through, nor can I afford to take the time off work as crass as that sounds.  We want to say "I love you" in person since we most likely only have one last chance. Its an awful and sad thought that I just don't want to think about. I have a day to prepare myself, my dog, my cat, my house, my employees, my clients and myself for an 11 hour flight then 3 hour drive to another country and time zone with a 3 year old that has a fever and what I suppose is a festering ear infection. On top of it all, I feel so bad for my Mother and sister in-law as well as my dear Ducky who just cant seem to catch a break. 

ALSO and this may be the worst thing (wink wink) I had 6 mother flickin moles removed from my back and 2 that need biopsies. I feel like I was dragged behind a truck on searing hot asphalt. 

Wah Wah Wah 

Now friends, maybe these don't seem like big problems, but they are my problems and because they are happening to me..they feel huge. In my little world this is sad and disruptive and makes me feel like I have been punched in the mouth repeatedly. Plus the people I love most are hurting, and this hurts me hard..  

Normally, I try not to bring my shit to this place, where I believe most of you come for inspiration and happy pretty things, but I just figured....it was time to get real. Not for sympathy, but for a release. 

This is my diary lovers.... and I already feel better for writing some of this shit down.

Anyways, I have nothing to show you right now and no smoke to blow up your beautiful booties about how fab life is.  I only have my bitching and moaning and self wallowing to share. 

I am taking a brief blog break while I kiss my husband and baby and bumble around Britain but I will stay active on instagram (amberinteriors)

Thanks for listening lovers and sorry for being a Debbie downer on 2013 so far. Hopefully shit will turn around soon and I can smile a bit. Hopefully your year is looking much brighter so far.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Spin Me right Round

I bought the Duck a record player for x-mas. 
I have to say at first I was super hesitant about the purchase since I knew that I was gonna be
 perpetually annoyed by exposed stereo equipment in my house.


 I bought a fancy and sleek model and thankfully we have been listening to such great records lately that I am not all that bummed by the visual burdens that be.

Here is my top four spinners of the month...if y'all haven't heard, take a listen!

1 // 2 // 3 // 4

you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Neon Acrylic

I may have mentioned that we did a home in Australia recently. We are still waiting on the shipping container to arrive to the port in Melbourne and as soon as the house is installed I will show you pics. It's going to be amazing! 

Anyways, the homeowner introduced me to the coolest artist. Her name is Miranda Skoscek ...have ya heard?

Look at her newest art framed in Neon Acrylic.


Monday, January 14, 2013

I just LOVE

seriously , I want confess my undying love for it

I wanna tell it its the only one for me 
it's simple yet complicated

just the way I like it

I would go so far as to ask it on a second date.....even if it just ate a side salad and lamented about its exes

I know it's been all over the inter webs...

but I am not ashamed


Friday, January 11, 2013

This weekend....

you can find me cozied up with a snot rag and some theraflu next to this baby

in my DREAMS

Happy Weekend Motha-Lovas

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Get the Look...

Friends, I have fallen victim to the flu that is currently plaguing 60% of the American population

and seriously...
this shit is intense

Since I had to cancel meetings yesterday and hole up in my bed, I had some time on my hands to finally snap some pictures of my media area

I have posted a few pics on my Instagram (amberinteriors) and folks kept asking me to show the full view and asked lots of questions of where I got various things from the set up..etc.

Well, Hey now
 why don't I just show ya lovers....then you can make it on your own!



1 // console // bins // 2 // lampshade // lamp base // 3 // 4 // 5 // 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Desk Diaries

just call me "el swamp-o with work-o"

I am back to being busy..in full swing work mode

Client Awesome is getting some stuff done in her house

I am also presenting Client pretty much perfect with her Master Bedroom scheme

We are starting to work on some bathrooms 

have a living room install

re-stocking shop
launching new website
blah bah blah blah blah
BTW I am not complaining..these are amazing problems to have

the proof is on the table

Monday, January 7, 2013

Learnin' stuff

this year one of my New Years resolutions is to learn more things about stuff

how stupid does that sound

no, but seriously

I often get embarrassed thinking about how little time I actually spend trying to learn new things about the big ole' world we live in and how much time I obsess about my own little world 

Most days I spend the majority of my time stressing over the ins and outs of interior design and mothering which is important...but just sorta kinda not really adding any new wrinkles to my brain...

ya dig?

So This week I am gonna lurn me somethin about Bernard Lorjou the french expressionist painter.

I stumbled upon his art haphazardly on a little know website called Pinterest ...ha

amazing right?

anyways, I was intrigued and instantly assumed, in my usual nothing existed before 1981 frame of mind, that this was obviously a hip new Etsy seller probably selling prints and matching weekly planners for 25 bucks.

well, it wasn't and I located the artist and got WAAAAy to excited finding out it was actually a french dude from the early 1900's!

You may not care...but I think its kinda cool to look at these paintings and see where some of today's tastemakers may be recycling/getting inspired from...

3 interesting facts....

+ Lorjou was a self taught French expressionist painter who at the age of 13 was living on the streets of Paris. He was born in 1908 and died in 1986 from an Asthma attack.

+ He was a founding member of L'homme Témoin which was a group of young french painters who sought to promote an anti-abstract style of painting called Social Realism. 

+ Lorjou’s body of work includes thousands of paintings, a collection wood engravings, ceramic and bronze sculptures, lithographs, illustrated books, socially oriented posters, stained glass windows, and murals.

And lovers,
now ya know

don't say I never taught you anything!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Did you all get what you asked for from Santa?

I didn't

but only because I suck at life and couldn't gather my thoughts enough to tell the duck what I wanted.

So Duck ..... in case your interested 

 shoes // slouchy jeans // bracelett // sweater // bag

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I am BACK...sorta

Happy 2013 lovers!

who the hell is ready to conquer this year?

I am 

So I have been talking a big game about all the changes that will be going on around here and I will deliver soon 

I Promise

in the meantime I wanted to get you all a little belated holiday gift

Free Shipping on all in the shoppe for the WHOLE month of January

thats right..if you live in the continental United States of 'Merica you will get your shoppe order sent to ya

on the house