Tuesday, January 31, 2012


It's February....

How in the HELL is it February????

and why does it go so fast....


I have some REALLY GREAT new sponsors that I will be introducing you to over the next few days..

First up Elise Allen

She is one talented lady....see for yourself


Elise has graciously offered up one of her pretty paintings.

 A 6" x 6" venetian plaster and acrylics on wood panel painting.  

It is valued at $125!

How beautiful would this be nestled amongst your books on a bookshelf, or on your bedside table?


It's yours if you win, so you better get entering!

How To:

1. Go "like" Elise Allen on Face Book HERE

2. Join Elise's mailing list HERE

3. Follow Amber Interiors here on the bloggy!

4. Tweet the giveaway and follow Amber Interiors on Twitter HERE

5. Go "like" Amber Interiors on Facebook and post the giveaway on your wall HERE

I'll have my fingers crossed for you.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pattern mixing

Mixing patterns can be tricky

For a room to not look obnoxious, or like a rainbow barfed all over it,

 there needs to be the perfect balance....

Of what you ask???

Of goodness wrapped in pretty, I say..

but of course...

ikat plus geometric wallpaper plus vintage textiles = goodness

flowers and paisleys and polkas...Oh My

Suzanis and stripes..

Kilims and such..

Zig zags and blooms

and a zebra for good measure

Meares can mix a pattern better than the best...

coral, ikat, gold abstract....chevron...Perfection


Have a lovely Monday lovers...I will be meeting with the TAX MAN today.
apparently I have to pay them

Hope they take sea shells?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Mean Green Irish Spring

hey I have a question....does anybody ever go back and actually LOOK at what they have pinned?

I never do 


 I did

and there was a lotta Green

It's classic and I love it.

and just cause it's my favorite fabric of all time...


Love you guys, 

Happy Friday

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Red Round Up

I am over at Mimi + Meg giving a run down of some V-Day stuff I want to have and give....

go say hi!

Here is some more red related goods that are on my short list...



1 2 3 4 5 6

Thanks for the sweet words for G...she is 100 times better and now we are back on the potty training train..

We are doing the no diaper, underwear on, every 10-15 minutes plonking her on the toilet method...

so far she is doing great but I always appreciate a bit of mommy advice from you lovers

How did you PTrain your babes?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Get the look

Some folks gotta do it on the cheap....

Here is one of my have rooms done just so....

You guys...the store is so close to launch I can smell it!!!!

I got a busy day today with clients old and new!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Morning Blues

Good Morning!

Pardon my absence but we had a BLAST at Disneyland. 

Me and the Duck decided to cash in on some of our air miles and get  a free night at a hotel right across the street from Disneyland. 

Super smart move if you have a little one!

Anyways, We went on a Thursday and had the park practically to ourselves.

The longest we waited in line for a ride was 5 minutes at the Jungle Cruise and no exaggeration we walked straight on to nearly every single ride thereafter.....It was so dead we even got to plunk our butts in a bench to watch the parade.

Unheard OF!

 On Friday afternoon we left Disney with huge smiles.......only to come home and Saturday evening G starts complaining and saying her "Tummy Huwts"

Well folks the STOMACH FLU has paid us a visit. 

We had a stage five barfer on our hands and it was the saddest thing I have ever had to deal with thus far as a Mommy.

no seriously...

she was so scared and so sad about the barf she just kept saying in the most helpless whimper 

"I Sowwy Mama" 

over and over again.

not OK

Needless to say I am in Major Mother Cub Mom Mode and must leave you to eye hump this little Splash of Color by yourselves.

Go check out the rest of the condo on House Beautiful Here

It's pretty pretty!

Thursday, January 19, 2012



And I love me some WEEGO HOME

So I find it quite important that I fill you lovers in on the BIG news that 


not just any old sale...a 40% off sale!

Pillows and Throws and Deals... Oh MY!

You have to act fast cause these beautiful pillows are gonna go fast!

Sale starts on January the 21st.

And listen up cause that's not all 


If you call Weego up and mention that Amber Interiors sent ya...

you'll get an additional $10 off your order of $100 or more.


Here ya go....make a phone call!

1-800- 65 WEEGO

In other news, 
We are taking G to Disneyland.... AGAIN 

We bought season tickets and since we only live about an hour or so away we decided to cash in some miles and stay in a hotel for the night....a little mini vacation.

I won't be posting on Friday but I will be back next week to share some fun stuff

I'll Miss ya!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Marrakesh Express

All aboard the train.....

I have a new project in the works and I am super pumped!

It's gonna be fun and funky with a bit of Morrocco, India, Mexico, Uzbek, and Beach Chic all rolled into one giant room of cozy homey goodness!

You pickin up what I am puttin down?

In my excitement I decided to waste no time and start getting some inspo


I cannot wait!

( i suck at sources, Pinterest??)